Indoor Drying: The Secret to Freshness

Before kratom leaves can be pulverized into powder they must first be dried. Did you know that the vast majority of kratom leaves are sun dried outdoors? This common practice will often result in neglected leaves turning brown in the sun thus reducing and degrading the alkaloid content in the leaves. A less common but far superior method of drying is indoor drying. Indoor drying protects the leaves from the sun’s harmful rays and retains the moisture and freshness in the leaf. This means greater freshness, more pleasant flavor profiles, and greater potency. 

There are many factors that go into producing top quality kratom. Soil content, drying process, and storing and shipping techniques to name just a few. Currently, knowing what makes quality kratom is a lot like tasting fine wine. From only a taste an expert should be able to tell you which location the grapes were grown but for most people this amount of specifics will be unknown. Here at the kratom park we do the research ourselves and have selected the best vendors from all regions of the globe. Most of the worlds kratom comes from the island of Borneo but as governments grow more open to rational kratom legality as well as a massive increase of global demand, we see more kratom production from all over the world. 

From Borneo to You

About 90% of the world kratom come from a small region in the middle of Kalimantan, Indonesia. Rural villages along the bank of the Kapuas River will grow and harvest kratom. A long as labor intensive process is done to dry and remove the stems from the kratom which makes it cheaper to ship. This is a necessary process when sending large shipments by boat overseas. Before it is packages and shipped out it will be ground into a fine powder that makes shipping even easier. 

On this website you will find vendors from Indonesia and in some instances you can order directly from the farm. This avoids many unnecessary middle people so that you can get your kratom directly from the source. These vendors will often not be as busy as some of the larger American vendors and in many instances it will be easy to build a relationship with the person that harvest the kratom from the plant.

Top Kratom Vendors

Crips Kratom

CrispKratom is an American company based out of Florida. They were one of the first companies to print out alkaloid lab results on all their product. This is the future of the kratom industry as transparency will continue to be the most important thing when finding a reliable kratom supplier. CrispKratom specialized in extremely high quality kratom. Because they print out the exact alkaloid content on each package, they have been able to build an extremely high reputation in the kratom industry. 

O.G. Kratom

O.G. Kratom is a kratom vendor based in Bangkok. Recently having opened the first ever kratom only coffee shop downtown Bangkok, O.G. Kratom supplies only the freshest and sweetest kratom from a region just north of the city called Pathun Thani. Famed for their kratom cola, OG makes the best tasting kratom drink we have ever had. 

The kratom of northern Thailand is known to be sweeter than what might be found in most regions of Indonesia. For this reason the kratom of norther Thailand is idea when being used to make drinks. 


From all the great people that I have met exploring the kratom world.